domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

A Group Work About 2012 Olympic Games.

Hi! Last week we had to do a performance in groups related to the Olympic Games 2012. Each group had 5 sports. Our sports were waterpolo, canoeing, table tennis, tennis and athletism. Here is the video were we tell you some important information that you should know about this sports.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Table Tennis

Table Tennis, also known as ping-pong, originated as a sport in Britain during 1880s. Because of the British rainy weather, tennis players created a small tennis sport using a pool table.

The equipment used for this sport is a ball, a table and a racket.

The biggest international Table Tennis Competition is the Champions Tournament in which compete eight winners of the World Championships. This tournament started in 2006 and it takes part in Changsha, China.

The best table tennis player in the world is the chinese Ma Long, and the best women player is the chinese Ding Ning. Our best Spanish table tennis player is He Zhi Wen. He's in the 62th position of the World's Ranking. He has won a Team World Championship and a Spanish League. He's going to play in the 2012 Olympic Games in London, being his third time representing Spain in the Olympic Games in this sport.

Raul Rivas Navarro, a professional percussion career.

I have interviewed Raul Rivas, a professional percussionist. He has given me some drum classes and he's a very good drummer.

1)How old were you when you started playing the drums?
I started playing the drums when I was 14 years old.

2)Which artists have you played for?
I have played for Antonio Canales, El Arrebato, Andy y Lucas, María del Monte, José Manuel Soto, Estopa, Pitingo, Radio Macande and more artists.

3)Which was your best performance?
I think my favourite one was the Jose Manuel Soto's 25th Anniversary in the Maestranza, where there were 15 guest artists like Pastora Soler, Antonio Carmona, Lolita Flores, Rosario Flores, El Arrebato and Estrella Morente. Another one that I enjoyed a lot was in the Sánchez Pizjuán Stadium where I played the Sevilla FC's anthem with El Arrebato.

4)Have you played any instruments before the drums?
Yes, I've played the guitar since I was 10 years old and when I was 13 I enrolled at the Sevilla's Conservatory to play the piano.

5)Which of the artists that you've played for do you like the most?
I've enjoyed a lot playing for Antonio Canales. I've also enjoyed a lot playing for El Arrebato, being with him 7 years on tour.

So that's all. Thank you for the interview and good luck for the future. This is Raul  Rivas everybody!

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

A Group Work Experience

We made a group work about the United States of America for our English class at high school.

We looked for fact files and diet about the country, we made a video showing how to cook a healthy dish of the country and we showed it to all our partners.

We learnt how to use cameras, new vocabulary and how to work in groups.

I felt very stressed because we filmed the video the day before the presentation and we had to finish still the powerpoint, the menu and start cooking.

Speaking in public was sometimes a problem for me because I hate it.

But apart from everything, I think it was a funny experience.

So this is the video that we made cooking a special american dish, muffins:

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

1000 cranes for PEACE!

What's Social Status and how does it affect us?

The social status is very important in the society. A long time ago, people with a low range in the society had to obey others who were in a high range, even going to abuse. Nowadays, it's still happening although the society has matured.  It happens because of the life's conditions (richness, different breed, different sex, etc.). So if it has been happening from the Middle Ages till nowadays, the question is...till where can it go? My tips are: We should treat everyone equally, because above everything we're all humans. So we must think over this and act. Never too late to stop it!

1000 grullas por la PAZ!

Sadako Sasaki era una niña japonesa de gran coraje. Tenía dos años cuando estaba en  pie la Segunda Guerra Mundial y una bomba atómica estadounidense arrasó su ciudad, Hiroshima, causando numerosas muertes, y ella sobrevivió. Diez años mas tarde, sufrió una leucemia (cáncer de sangre) a causa de las radiaciones de la bomba atómica. Durante su estancia en el hospital decidió fabricar 1000 grullas de papel para que un dios japonés le concediese un deseo según una antigua leyenda japonesa. No obstante, llegó a 644 grullas cuando la muerte le llegó. Más tarde, sus compañeros de colegio fabricaron 356 grullas más, las que le faltaban a Sadako Sasaki para llegar a 1000, y las colocaron en el lugar donde ella se encontraba incinerada, junto a las demás grullas que ella fabricó.

En el IES Néstor Almendros queremos rendir un homenaje a esta historia real, ocurrida en el año 1945, fabricando 1000 grullas de papel. Para ello, necesitaremos vuestra ayuda y aquí os dejo un enlace de un tutorial de cómo hacerlas, para que os animeís. 1000 grullas por la PAZ!